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Identifying Signs of Roof Damage

Identifying Signs of Roof Damage

Your roof is the unsung hero of your home, braving the elements day in and day out to protect you and your family. But just like any hero, it can only take so much before it starts to show signs of wear and tear. From missing shingles to sagging rooflines, the signs of damage can be subtle, yet they should not be ignored. Learning to identify the warning signs of roof damage is imperative as a homeowner, so you can call in the cavalry for roof repair before your home falls victim to damage and the need for costly repairs. Below you will learn how to spot the common signs of roof damage to watch out for.


Cracked, Curling, or Missing Shingles

If you notice that any shingles on your roof are missing, cracked, or curling, it’s time to call in the professionals for a roof repair. Shingles are the first line of defense for your roof. When they become damaged or go missing, your home is more vulnerable to water damage.


Sagging Roof

If you see a visible dip or sag in your roofline, it’s a sure sign of trouble. A sagging roof can indicate a structural problem, such as weakened decking or a damaged beam, and should be addressed immediately. Ignoring this issue could lead to serious problems and even a roof collapse.


Damaged Flashing

Flashing is the metal or plastic material that seals the edges and corners of your roof, preventing water from seeping in. If you notice any damage to the flashing, such as rust, cracks, or gaps, it’s best to call in a roofing contractor. Damaged flashing can cause water to seep into your home and create extensive water damage.


Water Stains

Water stains on your ceiling or walls are a sign of a leaky roof. Water stains on your ceiling or walls indicate a leaky roof. If you notice any discoloration or staining, a roofing professional should investigate the cause. If left untreated, water damage can weaken your home’s structure. Additionally it can create mold and mildew, which can lead to significant health problems for you and your loved ones.


Granules in the Gutters

If you notice small, sand-like granules in your gutters, it’s a sign that your roof’s shingles are deteriorating. The granules protect the shingles from UV rays and help them last longer. If shingles are losing granules, they are more susceptible to damage, and a roof repair may be necessary.



While it is not necessarily a sign of damage, the age of your roof is an essential factor to consider. Even the most durable roofs have a limited lifespan. The average lifespan of a roof is 20-30 years. If your roof is approaching 20 years or more, it may be time for a replacement. Over time, roofs can deteriorate due to weather and natural wear and tear, leading to leaks and other damage. However, regular inspections and maintenance can preserve the longevity of your roof. 


Hail and Other Extreme Weather

Unfortunately, major storms and extreme weather elements can damage even the strongest roofs. One of the most significant culprits of roof damage is hail, which can cause dents, cracks, and holes in your roof’s surface. But hail is not the only threat to your roof. Wind can loosen shingles, snow can weaken the structure, and heavy rain can cause leaks. Typically, damage caused by a storm will not be recognized right away from the ground level. Because of this, it is best to schedule a professional inspection after experiencing any significant weather. 


At Rose Roofing, our team of skilled and experienced roofing professionals offe犀利士
r free roof inspections. If you suspect signs of damage or have experienced extreme weather,
contact us today to ensure the longevity and overall health of your home’s roof.